“A dog and three dollars” by M. Twain

  Ташенова Гаухар Жумабаевна 

 г. Уральск

 Уральский гуманитарный колледж

 Преподаватель английского языка

Рубрика: Практические  вопросы обучения иностраным языкам

Предмет: Домашнее чтение

Курс: 1

Тема урока: A dog and three dollars” by M. Twain.

Цели урока:

 Образовательная: дать знание об американском писателе М. Твене и его  произведении «Собака и три доллара»      

Коммуникативная: совершенствовать навыки работы с текстом        

                              (изучающее  чтение); развивать умение    

                                обучающего чтения; формировать умение оценивать  

                                полученную информацию, выражать свое    

                                мнение; формировать умение вести монологическую  и   

                                диалогическую  речи по определенной теме; овладевать

                                умением общаться на изучаемом языке.

Развивающая:  развивать память, речь, произношение и внимание    

                            учащихся; совершенствовать фонетические и лексико-    

                            грамматические навыки

  Воспитательная:  способствовать формированию интереса к изучению культуры стран  изучаемого языка; развивать умения работать в коллективе; формировать культуру диалогового общения.                           

   Тип урока: урок усвоения нового материала

  Межпредметная связь: с русским языком, фонетикой, грамматикой, практикумом иностранного языка, детской иностранной литературой

  Оборудование: слайды, книга по домашнему чтению «Short stories”Хавина, словари, компьютер

Структура урока:

  1. Начало урока (5 мин).

1. — Good morning, students!   I’m glad to see you! How are you?   Sit down, please!

 —  What is the day оf week today?

—  What is the date today?

— What season is it now? How many seasons do you know? Name them.

— Who is absent today? Let’s start our lesson.

2. – Please look at the blackboard. You see the famous names; please find the name of famous writer.

Charles Darwin, Whitney Huston, Mark Twain, Paul McCartney, Margaret Tetchier.

Ok, you are right. It is Mark Twain.  What do you know about M. Twain?

Let’s write it on the blackboard.


Mark Twain (1835-1910).

       His real name was Samuel Clemens, but he is better known by his professional name, Mark Twain. Samuel Clemens was born on November 30, 1835 in Missouri not far from the little town of Hannibal on the banks of the Mississippi River. He never finished elementary school. He got his education mainly from his observations of people and events on the western bank of the Mississippi River.   

His father died in 1849 when Sam was not yet 12 years old, so the boy had to work to help the family. Sam promised to his mother to be a better boy, to go to work, and care for her. In 1871, he married and moved to Hatword, Connecticut, where he wrote his two masterpieces “The adventures of Tom Sawyer and   “The adventures of Huckleberry Finn” He is famous for his humorous style.


1. When was Mark Twain born?        

a) November30, 1835

b) November 30, 1935

c) December 25, 1863

d) May 1, 1835

2. What was his real name?

a) Oscar Wilde

b) Samuel Clemens

c) John Galsworthy

d) Heck Finn

3. Mark Twain wrote …

a) sad stories

b) love stories

c) science fiction

d) humorous stories

4. What is the greatest book of Mark Twain?

a) “Marten Eden”

b) “The Nightingale and Red Rose”

c) “Hamlet”

d) “the Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

5. Mark Twain is …

a) English writer

b) French writer

c) Australian writer

d) American writer

All right, let’s read and translate the text.  This story was written by M.Twain. Open your copybooks write down the date and new words. Let’s read and pronounce them: in chorus, in pairs, individually

to believe [bi’li:v] верить, сену

honest [ↄ’nist] честный, әділ

 to ask [ɑ:sk] спрашивать,сұрау

to earn [ə: n] зарабатывать, табыс табу

to show[ʃou]показывать, көрсету

few – several- some [fju:] несколько, бірнеше

ago – [ə’gou] назад, бұрын

to meet (met-met) [mi:t] встречать, кездестіру

can (could) [kəen] мочь

to become (became- become)[bikeim] становиться, болу

poor [puə] бедный, кедей

young [jɅŋ] молодой, жас

 nobody [‘noubədi] никто, ешкім

to remember [ri’membə] помнить, есте сақтау

to think (thought- thought) [ϴiŋk] –думать, ойлау

once [wɅns] однажды, бір күні

even –[‘i:vən] даже, тіпті

together вместе, бірге

in need [ni:d] нуждаться, керек

to try [trai] пытаться, тырысу

also- too также

to be tired  устать, шаршау

have a rest отдыхать, демалу

to wear ( wore) носить, кию

to look for [luk] искать, іздеу

to find [faind] находить, табу

to be ready [redi] готовиться, әзірлену

to buy(bought) [bai] покупать, сатып алу

to be angry [əŋgri] сердиться, ашулану

to shout – to cry  [ʃɅut] кричать, айғайлау

to bring (brought) [briŋ] приносить, әкелу

a master [mastə] хозяин, ие

to feel (felt) [fi:l]чувствовать, сезу

honesty [‘ↄnisti]честность,адалдық

policy [polisi] политика,саясат

Open your books at page10.


To ask – to answer

Poor- rich

Young- old

To remember- to forget

To find – to lose

To buy –to sell

Please make up sentences, using these words (orally).

Students’ sentences: I feel better today. My father was angry yesterday. Ali bought a car. He was looking for his dog.etc.

Reading activities

  • Read the text and divide it into parts. Give each a title.
  • Find the key words in the sentences. So well have a plan.
  1. Never ask for money you have not earned.
  2. Meeting with General Miles.
  3. Poor writer.
  4. Need in three dollars.
  5. In a big hotel.
  6. A beautiful dog.
  7. Selling the dog.
  8. Returning the dog.
  9. Honesty is the best policy.

True or false

  1. General Miles was a nice man.
  2. Once they were in need of five dollars.
  3. At last he came to a little hotel.
  4. He was playing with the dog, when a man came into the hall.
  5. Twenty minutes later an old man came into the hall.
  6. The man was very happy and asked him to help him.

Match the words.

















 Post – reading activities

Put the sentences into order

  1. I was happy too because I had the money, and I felt I earned it.
  2. General Miles was very angry now.
  3. The man was very happy and asked me to help him.
  4. General Miles was a nice man and we became great friends very quickly.
  5. General Miles paid me three dollars, took the dog and went up to his room.
  6. At last I came to a big hotel.
  7. He was a poor writer too.
  8. I called it and began to play with it.
  9. I knew him by his pictures in the newspapers.

10. He looked round the hall.    4,7,6,8,9,5,10,3,2,1

ex.1, p. 13.

To be honest, a nice man, whom nobody knew, even for my bread, by the evening, to have a rest, to have nothing to do, knew at once, ten minutes later, to be ready to pay, must take the dog back, brought the dog back to its master.

Ex.3 p.131

1. One day the author met General Miles at his friend’s house.

2. General Miles didn’t recognize the author. Because he was a famous general and the author was poor writer.

3. He was poor then and very often he did not have money even for bread.

4. One day for an hour the boy was walking along the streets of Washington and was very tired. At last he came to a big hotel to have a rest.

5. Suddenly a beautiful small dog ran into the hall. Yes, it was funny.

6. Because he was in need of three dollars.

7. Ten minutes later an old man came into the hall.

8. He decided to return the dog.

9. He said to General that it was not his dog and returned the dog to its master.

10. He wasn’t honest because he mustn’t take money from General.

Ex.4 “Honesty is the best policy”


1)    General Miles and the boy

—        What a beautiful dog! Is it your dog?

—        —

—        Do you want to sell it?

—        Three dollars

—        Three dollars? But that is very little. I can give you fifty dollars for it.

—        No, no. I only want three dollars.

—        Well, it is your dog. If you want three dollars for it, I shall be glad to buy your dog.

2)    The boy and the old man

—        Are you looking for a dog, sir?

—        Oh, yes! Have you seen it?

—        Your dog was here a few minutes ago and I saw how it went away with a man, if you want, I shall try to find it for you. I shall be glad to help you, but it will take some of my time and…

—        I am ready to pay you for your time. How much do you want for it?

—        Three dollars

—        Three dollars? But it is a very good dog. I shall pay you ten dollars if you find it for me.

—        No sir, I want three dollars and not a dollar more.


  1. What new have you known from this lesson?
  2. What do you know about Mark Twain? Finish your cinqain.

M. Twain.

1. American, famous, humorous, talented

2. Write, read, work

3. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

4. Samuel Clemens.

        3. What text have you read? What about this text?

        4. What new words have you learnt?


Fill in prepositions

  1. A few days ago _ my friend’s house I met General Miles.
  2. I did not have money even __ my bread.
  3. Once we were __ need __ three dollars.
  4. It was looking   __ somebody.
  5. I was playing  ___ the dog.

Home task.

Retell the text and learn by heart the words.

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